JAVA STATIC KEYWORD

If the value of the variable is not varied from objects to objects then it is not recommended to declare variable as instance variable. We have to declare such type of variable at class level by using static modifier.

In instance variable for every object a seprate copy will be created but in case of static variable a single copy will be created at class level and it is share by every object of the class

static keyword can be used it
1. variable
4.nested class

program to explain static keyword and its use

class Dog //can be either default or public cant be static
      int x;//instance member variable
     public static int y;//static member variable

   public void fun1()//instance member function
           System.out.println("hello i am in instance member function");
  public static void fun2()//static member function
          System.out.println("hello i am in static memeber function");
 static class SQL
// static inner class it can be public, private, protected,default,synchronized

         static String country="INDIA";

   public class Test// main class

       public static void main (String args[])

  Dog d= new Dog();

 System.out.println("hello we are in instance member variable"+(d.x=12));
// calling instance member variable

  System.out.println("hello we are in static member variable"+(Dog.y=12));
// calling static member variable

   d.fun1();// calling instance member function

   Dog.fun2();//calling staic member function

  System.out.println(;//calling static inner class


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